
Scholarship Information

The Chelmsford Police Athletic League is delighted to provide a college scholarship fund. Since its establishment in 2006, Chelmsford PAL has undergone significant expansion and success. Initially, it started as a single-sport program with minimal earnings. However, following the initiation of a successful fundraising golf tournament, the program expanded to include multiple sports and activities, offering engaging opportunities for Chelmsford families. In its ongoing commitment to support Chelmsford students, Chelmsford PAL has awarded four annual scholarships of $2,500.00 each.

Mission Statement

The Police Athletic League of Chelmsford Scholarship Fund, an independent 501(c)(3), was formed January, 2015 for the purpose of providing scholarships to eligible CPAL members from Chelmsford, who enrolled in two or four year college degree programs or full-time accredited trade programs.


Eligibility and need are determined based upon Scholarship Foundation Board designated criteria.

Candidates must submit a scholarship application form, In addition to personal and academic accomplishments. Applicants are evaluated on their CPAL involvement including sportsmanship, length of membership, participation, leadership, and initiative. Scholarship applicants must also demonstrate plans for the future and how to give back to the CPAL programs in the future.

Trade school and college-bound students are required to reapply each year for the period that they are attending school full-time. Each applicant can only receive one scholarship. No exceptions.

Apply Here!
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